Public Benefit Organization (PBO)

Dutch Bamboo Foundation is a Non-Profit Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) registered under Dutch law under the KvK as Stichting Dutch Bamboo. We aim to apply for ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) status before 2023.


We believe in transparency. As a public benefit organisation, we keep the common interest first: reverse climate change to create a brighter future for our children and other living beings.

Your donation will be used solely for the mission of Our Plan which outlines how we aspire to cultivate Bamboo plantations in the Netherlands and to work with other future-minded organizations that wish to remove excess carbon from the atmosphere. While we will enable business, we are non-profit and do not take equity or other benefit sharing. This way, all proceeds go straight back into our organization.

Dutch Bamboo Foundation is part of the nature based solutions movement scaling carbon removal towards the gigaton scale, within a circular economy, and with healthy business models; financially, socially, and of course environmentally.

Remuneration Policy

Currently our executive team is only compensated for direct expenses or on a per project basis.

As a volunteer organization, our founder did not receive a salary for the year of 2021. Why? DBF Is a grassroots organization. All funds are currently being funneled into projects to support bamboo propagation. Monthly gross salaries of the Board of Directors in 2021/22 Founder, Managing Director, Brian Wennersten (1 FTE), 0 EUR per month. 2022/23; not to exceed € 1.684,80 / month, to fall in line with the Minimum wage set by the Government of Netherlands, as of 1 January, 2021. The proposed maximum 2022/23 salary is far below the maximum as laid down in the SFB Code for Good Governance.

With this, DBF easily complies with the regulation directors’ fees within the charitable sector. The remuneration is determined by the Supervisory Board.

Salaries of DBF employees will be below market practice and follow the basic salary guideline: 2016 of Goede Doelen Nederland.

The board members are not compensated for their work, however they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred up to 450 EUR/annum.

Stichting Dutch Bamboo doing business as “Dutch Bamboo Foundation” and “DBF”

RSIN: 862354754

KVK#: 82148589

Banking: NL37 BUNQ 2057 8899 98